Lawyer from Another Member State – European (EU) Lawyer Registration

Last Update on 10/06/2024

Practising as an Advocate under the Professional Title of another Member State

General Information

An advocate who is a national of a member state and practices as a freelance professional or as a salaried person in a law firm in a member state other than Cyprus, can pursue the activities of advocate on a permanent basis in the Republic of Cyprus, under one of the professional (home-country) titles described herein the document entitled “Professional title per member state” (in the Application & Documents); provided that he/she is enrolled in a special part of the “Register of Practising Advocates” in Cyprus by addressing to the Legal Council.

In addition to practicing the profession by virtue of registration in the “Register of Practising Advocates”, an advocate who is a Member State citizen may practice in the Republic under his/her home-country professional title jointly:

(a) In the same manner as the profession is jointly practised by Cypriot advocates with:

  • a Cypriot advocate; or
  • an advocate who is a Member State national and practices the profession of an advocate.

(b) An advocate who is a Member State national and practices the legal profession permanently in that State under the professional title of the said State.

An advocate who is a Member State national and practices under the conditions referred to above shall inform the Chief Registrar of the names and addresses of the advocates with whom he jointly practices the profession.

Notably, an advocate practising under his/her home-country title, who has effectively and regularly pursued the profession for a period of at least three years in the Republic of Cyprus, according to Cyprus law and Community law, may gain full admission to the profession of advocate in the Republic of Cyprus after the approval of the Legal Council.

The application for the Registration as a Lawyer by Member State Advocates to the Legal Council, must be submitted directly to the competent authority:

Legal Council
1, Apellis Street, 1403 Nicosia
Tel. +357 22 889205, +357 22 889207
Fax. +357 22 667498

  1. The application must be accompanied by the following documents:

    • Certificate proving Member State citizenship;
    • Certificate of enrolment in a Register of the Competent authority of the home member state(the issuance date does not exceed three months prior to its submission);
    • Statement that the advocate continues to pursue his activities and that his licence has not been suspended or cancelled for any reason (the issuance date does not exceed three months prior to its submission);

    Notably, the professional title must be clearly stated in one of the official languages of the member state of origin.

There are no fees applicable.

The applicant is informed regarding the authorization decision as soon as possible and not later than three months by the Legal Council from the date the application form and supporting documents were dully submitted. Thereon, the applicant is enrolled in a special part of the “Registry of Practicing Advocates” in Cyprus. Following the enrolment, , the advocate must become member of the Cyprus Bar Association as well as of the local Bar Association and must participate in their meetings with a voting right in the election of the various bodies.

Upon the completion of three years, in order to obtain licence for a permanent practice in the Republic of Cyprus, the advocate must submit the application for the issue of the annual licence to the Legal Council, along with proof of such professional activity for Cyprus law. The Legal Council shall decide on the application, which may verify the effective and regular nature of the activity pursued and may, if need be, request the advocate to provide, orally or in writing, further clarification or details on the information and documentation submitted.

Finally, in case an advocate proves that he/she has effectively and regularly pursued a professional activity in the Republic for a period of at least three years, but for a lesser period according to Cyprus law, he/she may apply to the Legal Council for admission in order to become equivalent to a Cypriot advocate and gain full admission to the profession of advocate in the Republic,  if he/she has successfully participated in special courses or seminars on Cypriot law, which include the professional and ethical rules of the profession, as well as any knowledge and professional experience in the above. The Legal Council will decide on the application.

Does not apply.

Legal Council, Pension Fund, Cy BAR Council

For any issue against the Council of the Cyprus Bar Association or the Lawyers’ Pension Fund or the Legal Council, a lawsuit or application shall be filed before a court within twelve (12) months from the date of the contested decision.

Disciplinary Council

The Attorney General of the Republic, the convicted or the accused may, within two (2) months from the issuance of the Disciplinary Council’s decision, appeal it to the Court of Appeal, in accordance with the procedure provided for in the procedural code issued by the Supreme Court.

The Court of Appeal, after hearing the appeal, has the power to: 

(i) ratify the decision of the Disciplinary Council.

(ii) annul the decision of the Disciplinary Council.

(iii) to modify the decision of the Disciplinary Council.


(iv) to issue a decree as it deems necessary.

Irrespective of the rules of professional conduct and ethics to which he is subject in his home Member State, the advocate shall be subject to the provisions of the basic law and of the regulations or procedure rules issued under the Advocates Law or any other law which govern the legal profession, in particular, to those provisions referred to the incompatibility of other activities foreign to him, the rule of confidentiality, professional ethics, the prohibition to represent parties with adverse interests and advertising.

A Member State Citizen practices in the Republic of Cyprus under his home-country professional title, the advocate may employ the name of the grouping to which he belongs in his home Member State. Towards this end, the competent authority in the Republic of Cyprus and the corresponding competent authority in the home Member State shall collaborate and exchange information and documents by preserving confidentiality in their communication.

The failure by an advocate practicing under his home-country professional title to fulfill the obligations of the basic law and of the regulations or procedure rules issued under this or other laws, shall form a disciplinary offence. Before initiating disciplinary proceedings against an advocate practicing under the home-country professional title, the Disciplinary Board shall inform the competent authority in the home Member State accordingly as soon as possible, furnishing it with all the relevant details.

The Disciplinary Board shall cooperate throughout the disciplinary proceedings with the competent authority in the home Member State and shall take the necessary measures to ensure that the competent authority in the home Member State can present its arguments before the Disciplinary Board.