Primary School Teacher (Public Sector)
Practice the Profession of Primary School Teacher in Public Education
Application Submission
Who is Eligible
The applicant must have the following:
- Public Secondary School (high school/lyceum) leaving certificate/high school diploma or approved private secondary school leaving certificate;
- proof of very good knowledge of the Greek language (e.g. as proved by a high school leaving certificate “Apolyterion” from a public/approved private Greek secondary school or as certified by exams in Modern Greek (Third Grade of Lyceum level) conducted under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Youth of the Republic Cyprus);
- Good Knowledge of the English or French or German language;
- Primary Teacher Degree from the Department of Education of the University of Cyprus or Degree from the Department of Pedagogy and Primary Education of a University of the Greek Republic or Primary Teacher Degree from a Private Cyprus University with an accredited programme of study (according to The Private Universities (Establishment, Operation and Control) Law, 109 (I) of 2005); or University Diploma or title or equivalent qualification from an educational institution abroad, either obtained after full-time study abroad or part of the study taking place in Cyprus at a registered/licensed Private Institution of Tertiary Education of which the equivalent study programme has been educationally evaluated–accredited, provided that it has been recognized for “Equivalence and Correspondence”, from the Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications (KY.S.A.T.S.), in relation to the Primary Teacher Degree from the Department of Education of the University of Cyprus;
Where to Apply
Applications are filled in electronically and then printed and signed by the applicant:
Go to http://www.eey.gov.cy and
- select “ΕΝΤΥΠΑ” from the top menu and
- then select “ΕΕΥ01X -Ηλεκτρονική συμπλήρωση εντύπων ΕΕΥ01, EEY01Α, EEY01Β, EEY01Δ”.
- Scroll to the “ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ ΠΡΟΣ ΤΟΥΣ ΑΙΤΗΤΕΣ” to see the full list of accompanying documents along with important instructions on how to apply.
Contact Details of the Competent Authority:
Educational Service Commission
New Government offices complex
Michalaki Karaoli
1408 Nicosia-Cyprus
Telephone: +357 22602660
Fax: 22602789
Email: info@eey.gov.cy
Website: http://www.eey.gov.cy/
Which Certificates must be Submitted
The application must be accompanied either by the original certificates / supporting documents, as required in each case and listed below, or by photocopies (A4 size) thereof. If a photocopy is submitted, the applicant must also produce the original, so that the authenticity of the photocopy can be certified by an official of the Educational Service Commission (ESC). For applicants residing in Greece, the documents and civil identity card / passport can be certified at a local police station or state citizens’ service centre.
1. Birth certificate.
2. Civil identity card or passport.
3. Secondary education school-leaving certificate – Acceptable proof of knowledge of languages*:
3.1 If the application is submitted for the position of Secondary Education Teacher, secondary education school-leaving certificate and a document proving a very good knowledge of Greek as well as good knowledge of English, French or German.
3.2 For all other positions: (a) school-leaving certificate from a recognised Greek lyceum or a recognised 6‑year Greek secondary education school, or (b) school-leaving certificate from a lyceum / 6‑year secondary education school and a certificate of success in an oral and written examination in Modern Greek, at the level of the 3rd grade of lyceum, which is conducted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth .
3.3 For the position of Special Needs Teacher, in addition to the documents stated under point 3.2 above, a document proving a good knowledge of English, French or German.
4. Educational qualification(s) (at undergraduate and/or postgraduate level).
5. Academic transcript (of undergraduate and/or postgraduate studies), including a detailed list of the subjects studied and grades received for each subject, for each year of study, stating the overall grade too.
6. Photocopy of the school curriculum of the educational institution attended by the applicant, including a short description of the content of each subject included in the detailed list of subjects studied. (Not required for qualifications awarded by State universities of Cyprus and Greece).
7. Full Type ‘A’ Recruitment Status Certificate (for those who served in the National Guard or in the armed forces of a Member State of the European Union), including all recruitment changes, stating the military service term.
In the event of legal exemption from military service obligations for health reasons, the application should be accompanied by the Type ‘A’ Certificate, including all recruitment changes and stating the reason for the legal exemption (only applies to citizens of the Republic of Cyprus).
8. Clean Criminal Record Certificate by the competent police office, issued within the last 2 months before the submission date of the application for registration in the table of appointable persons.
9. Teaching Experience Certificate, if applicable, as follows:
9.1 Certificate stating the exact start and end date (day/month/year) of employment as a teacher, the weekly employment periods and the duration of the teaching period in minutes.
9.2 From the Social Insurance Department:
- Breakdown of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the employment periods in each educational or other institution or organisation.
- Certificate showing the employers who declared the applicant as a salaried person and the period during which they worked for them.
10. Technical Experience Certificate (for Technology Trainers and Teachers only), as follows:
10.1 Certificate stating the exact dates (day/month/year) of appointment and termination of duties, weekly employment hours, position and type of work.
10.2 (a) Breakdown of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the employment periods in each organisation or company.
(b) Certificate, as per point 9.2 (b) above.
11. Regarding applications for registration in the special lists for people with disabilities, a recent original medical certificate must be produced.
- Applications, which are not accompanied by the required proof documents, are not accepted.
- In the event of any change to their personal information, including the postal address (see Part 3 of the form), the applicant must immediately notify the Office of the ESC, by filling out form EEY02 – Statement/Change of Personal Information. The Commission will not be responsible for the non-receipt of correspondence, which is due to the failure of the applicant to notify it of any change to their postal address.
- The required qualifications to register in the table of appointable persons to each position are as stated in the Service Plan applicable at any given time. The Service Plans for all positions can be found on the official website of the ESC, at http://www.eey.gov.cy.
- * Regarding any position for which the acceptable proof of knowledge of languages is not explicitly specified in the Service Plan, the qualifications stated in the announcement of the ESC ‘Acceptable proof of knowledge of Greek, English, French and German’ are accepted as acceptable proof of knowledge of languages to the required levels; interested parties can find the aforementioned announcement on the official website of the ESC.
- Teaching experience and technical experience will only be recognised for the period for which contributions have been paid to the Social Insurance Fund.
Using form EEY01X, you can apply for registration in one or more specialities, in the Table of Persons to be Appointed and/or the Table of Appointable Persons, as well as in the lists for people with disabilities.
Form EEY01X must be:
- filled out online
- printed out
- signed
- produced at the Office of the ESC. Along with the application, you MUST also produce all required certificates/proof documents, as stated in the instructions of the form. You must produce both originals and copies so that the copies can be certified by an official of the ESC on receipt of the EEY01X application, at the Office of the ESC.
The date of application for the purpose of determining the order of priority is the submission date of the filled out and signed application to the Office of the ESC.
Applications, which are not accompanied by the required documents, will not be examined.
If you need help to fill out the application, or if you have any questions regarding the required accompanying documents, please call: 22602654, 22602653, 22602645 or 22602619.
For technical support, please call: 22602624, 22602612, 22602613 or 22602652.
Fees Applicable & How to Pay
There is no cost for submitting the application.
Decision Notification
The applicant submits his/her qualifications to the Educational Service Commission and the applicant enters a waiting list. When a position becomes vacant, the next person on the waiting list will be offered a position.
Dispute with the Competent Authority's Decision
How to File an Administrative Action
Administrative Action Against a Competent Authority’s Decision
Any person may file an Administrative Action at the Administrative Court against a decision, act or omission of any competent authority or body.
Pursuant to Article 146 of the Constitution, an Administrative Action may be lodged within 75 days from the date of the decision or act or omission or from the day when such decision or act or omission was notified to the applicant.
The Administrative Court acts as a cassation Court and not as a substantive Court. In other words, the Administrative Court may:
I. Dismiss the Administrative Action
II. Annul wholly or partially the contested decision or act
III. Compel the relevant authority or body to take a certain action
After a decision is annulled, the authority and/or public body must reverse things back to the state prior to when the concerned decision and/or act was executed and reexamine.
How to Appeal
Appeal Information
An Appeal may be filed against the Administrative Court’s first-instance decision within a period of 42 days from the date such decision was given.
At the Supreme Court (Court of Appeal Section) hearing, the contested issue of the appeal remains the legality of the decision or act already adjudicated for.
However, such revision of the legality of the decision or act is solely examined on the matters and the extent that the two parties have limited the reasons in the relevant notice of appeal.
The decision adopted by the Supreme Court is considered final in relation to the matter that has been judged.
Legislation & Obligations
Which Laws and Regulations Apply
The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sport and Youth – Teacher and Kindergarten Positions (Service Plans) Regulations 2019 (in the “Applications & Documents”)