Veterinary Services – Temporary
Temporary Provision of Veterinary Services
General Information
In order to temporarily provide veterinary services in the Republic of Cyprus, one needs to notify the Cyprus Veterinary Council, operating under the auspices of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment.
The veterinary practice includes the examination of animals in order to draw a diagnosis, treatment of animals, carrying out surgical operation on animals, provision of veterinary advice or prescription or certificate, administration of drugs or biological products and implementation of measures for the prevention of animal diseases or for the improvement of animal’s health conditions, autopsy performance on animals, inspection of products of animal origin in order to ensure that they are appropriate and suitable for human consumption, sample taking from live or dead animals or products of animal origin for laboratory testing, execution of veterinary laboratory diagnostics.
Declaration Submission
Who Is Eligible
Any natural person is eligible to notify the Cyprus Veterinary Council and temporarily provide veterinary services, if he/she:
- is an EU member state citizen;
- lawfully exercises the veterinary practice in an EU member state;
- has not been prohibited, even temporarily, from the exercise of the veterinary practice in the member state of establishment, at the time of submitting the notification;
- possess a recognized diploma/certificate or equivalent title listed in Annex III of the Law (Annex V.4. of Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications as amended) or covered by the provisions of article 9 A of Law (article of 23 Directive 2005/36/EC as amended) or recognized by the Cyprus Council for the Recognition of Higher Education Qualifications;
- possesses good knowledge of the Greek language and especially good knowledge of the Greek veterinary terminology.
Where to Declare
The declaration form concerning the temporary provision of services for regulated professions in the Republic of Cyprus can be submitted either through the PSC Cyprus or by hand/post to the competent authority:
Cyprus Veterinary Council
1417 Nicosia
Tel: +357 22 805200
Fax: +35722 332803
E-mail: director@vs.moa.gov.cy
Website: http://www.moa.gov.cy/vs
Which Certificates Must Be Submitted
The application should be accompanied by the following documents:
- copy of proof of nationality (identity card or passport);
- copy of attestation of legal establishment in an EU member state;
- copy of certificate that the applicant lawfully exercises the veterinary practice in an EU member state and is not subject to prohibition from exercising the veterinary practice;
- copies of diploma/certificate or title in Veterinary Medicine (certified translation in Greek or English language to be submitted).
The applicants may be requested to attend a personal interview held by the Cyprus Veterinary Council in order to assess the level of knowledge of the Greek language and especially the knowledge of the veterinary terminology.
Legislation & Obligations
Which Laws & Regulations Apply
- Directive 2005/36/EC on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications
- Directive 2013/55/EU amending Directive 2005/36/EC on the recognition of professional qualifications and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information System (‘the IMI Regulation’)
- The Exercise οf Veterinary Practice and Registration of Veterinary Surgeons Law of 1990 (169 / 1990)
- The Private Veterinary Laboratories (Registration, Operation and Control) Regulations
What Are My Obligations
Natural persons providing veterinary services in the Republic of Cyprus are obliged to comply with the provisions of the Professional Code of Veterinary Practice Regulations of 1994, K.D.P 38/94 as amended and the Exercise οf Veterinary Practice and Registration of Veterinary Surgeons Law, 169/90 as amended. Specifically, the registered veterinarians are obliged, among others, to:
- contribute, to the extent possible, to the enhancement of animal production;
- promote the animals’ welfare with the prevention and treatment of animal diseases;
- protect human’s health from animal diseases and ensure the highest possible hygiene and quality standards of the food and animal products;
- defend the honour, reputation and dignity of the profession with their behaviour;
- equally treat their customers regarding the provision, diligence and devotion exhibited in the cases undertaken;
- provide explicit directions as per the usage and custody of the prescribed medicine;
- behave with respect, politeness and generosity towards their colleagues;
- not implement procedures or methods of unfair competition during the exercise of the veterinary practice;
- be fully informed regarding the latest scientific developments especially those relating to the veterinary practice;
- keep records of cases and activities undertaken relating to the exercise of veterinary practice.
The Cyprus Veterinary Council is the delegated body to exercise disciplinary control on the registered veterinarians and impose disciplinary penalties, such as the temporary or permanent deletion of a registered veterinarian from the registry, temporary suspension of the authorization to exercise the veterinary practice and other.