Grant for Registering Trademarks and Industrial Designs

The Department of Registrar of Companies hereby announces that the 3rd application window of the “Ideas Powered for Business SME Fund” of the European Union Intellectual Property Office in cooperation with the European Commission opens on May 1, 2021. Small and medium-sized enterprises in Cyprus can benefit through the program a 50% grant of the basic application fee for trademarks and industrial designs and thus receive financial incentives for the registration and protection of their Intellectual Property.
Interested companies, if eligible under the official EU definition of small and medium-sized enterprises, can submit their applications electronically to the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO). If approved, they then can apply for registration of their trademarks and designs and receive a 50% reimbursement of the basic fee they paid for the registration application.
The public can be informed about the required conditions, the schedule and other information related to the program through the website Ideas Powered for Business at the following link: https://euipo.europa.eu/ohimportal/en/online-services/sme-fund. Τhe public can find information about how to submit applications at the same link.
Τhe 2nd application period was completed on 31 March 2021. During that period, 36 Cypriot small and medium-sized enterprises were approved to grant a 50% reimbursement the basic application fee for trademarks or industrial designs. The Registrar of Companies encourages Cypriot companies to seize this opportunity and proceed with the registration of their trademarks and industrial designs, which gives value to their Intellectual Property and makes their companies widely known and recognizable in the market. Intellectual Property is becoming increasingly important in the global economy and increase the impact it has on our daily lives.
For more information, the interested companies can contact the responsible Company Registrar Officer Pandelis Pandeli, at 22404357 and at the email address ppandeli@drcor.meci.gov.cy.